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Temat numeru: Techniques for exerting influence in sales
Techniques for exerting influence are the basis of sales skills. However, as professor Robert Cialdini claims - even the best arguments and the most effective strategies of persuasion will not work in our favor if the recipient does not understand the message or the intentions behind it, or - even worse - both. How to effectively influence clients, staying ethic and moral at the same time? I invite you to read the article "Techniques for exerting influence in sales" by Paweł Muzyczyszyn. The author points out how persuasion differs from manipulation and suggests how to influence clients at various stages of the sales process. In turn, Michał Lisiecki in the article "The language of persuasion in practice" writes about how to exert influence through appropriately constructed messages. On our website you will also find Katarzyna Kłobukowska's text “How to spot and stop manipulative clients”, in which the author suggests how the salesperson can defend against manipulation on the part of the client.
Have you ever wondered how much time you devote to each customer's service and how is it to the profit that he provides you? It is a good idea to regularly analyze the portfolio of supported clients, if only to properly balance the effort put into building a customer relationship to the value it generates. How to do it, writes Magdalena Kucharzewska in the text " Risk analysis of the portfolio of serviced clients".
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