It’s the story that sells, not the facts
Life writes the best stories. It’s the same in sales. Sales stories should demonstrate real benefits and provide real-life examples that can let the client identify with our solutions. Compelling stories that attract the client’s attention allow you to appeal to their mind.
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Note how motivational speakers, and all the best salesmen, reach their audience. A big chunk of their presentations revolves around a story with a moral. Some part of the story is left untold, though the audience can finish it themselves. The power of a good narrative lies in how well the audience can interpret it and whether they can learn more than the speaker intended.
Stand out or die
Storytelling is a technique that allows you to stand out among the crowd of competitors. A good sales narrative is compelling, memorable and evokes an emotional reaction. For the audience, a story is like a magnet, it draws them in. If they can relate to the story or at least find it interesting, it will make the client think: “How does that relate to my situation?”, “How should I behave?”, “What are the next steps I should take?”. Consequently, in search of the answers, they will follow the story.
A quick mind and a slow mind
People have been recounting stories ever since the dawn of man. Back in the day, they used to be a vehicle for culture, morals, values and beliefs. Stories appeal to the primitive side of our brain, they evoke a strong emotional reaction in our psyche. It is our quick and intuitive side. The slow part of our brain is the rational one, which analyzes facts, logic and data. However, it is the quick part of the mind that is responsible for most of our consumer choices, because if we were to analyze all the data, the decision-making process would simply be too slow. Storytelling uses the mechanism of the quick mind, as relying on the slow mind would be too lengthy and exhausting and the decisions made that way are not always better ones.
While building the narrative, think of the client’s needs
Effective storytelling calls for knowing exactly what your client needs. To make the narrative more compelling, it should relate to the needs, current or potential, that you discovered while scoping out the client. Storytelling without researching the customer’s needs is like making up stories just to be able to sell the product and never see the client again.
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