Body language on sale

Words are just one part of our communication with clients. Much more important are the visual impressions we make during conversations. It’s not just your appearance, but above all your body language that can either convince or discourage a client.

If we can show the customer the product we want to sell them, our job is easier. But if we sell machines that are manufactured to order, photos, descriptions, and our persuasive abilities will have to suffice. It is even more difficult when we sell services, for example group insurance. In this case, we are the most important visual stimulus, and clients buying our offer are primarily buying us as experts. Whether or not they perceive us as competent and trustworthy, or as giddy and overly emotional, depends mainly on us. Body language has a huge influence on how our relationship with the client develops. If you want to succeed in sales, you must learn to use body language in the right way. Focus on what others think about you and what impression you give.

What does the customer see when they look at you?

First and foremost, try to adapt your behaviour to the client's body language. Do not do it forcefully, because you have to be yourself and the client has to trust you, not your reflection. Just observe the customer's behaviour to ensure you communicate harmoniously. The more consistent the body language of two people talking to each other, the greater their compatibility prevails in their communication. The way you sit may be an example. If your client is relaxed and sometimes rests their elbows on the desk, you can also sit comfortably in the chair. However, if they’re sitting straight, following all the rules of good behaviour, you should also make sure that you don’t slouch, don’t put your feet up, and don’t rest your chin on your hand.

A client who is interested in the offer will be lively, their facial expressions will be rich, and they will probably lean towards you. A bored client will look drowsy and even irritated. You’ll notice various grimaces on their face, their gaze may be neutral, and their body tilted back.

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