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Temat numeru: Post-purchase service: how to build client loyalty
Post-purchase service is an element omitted by some salespeople. They care about closing the sale, and what comes after that doesn't matter. In the long run, this approach results in the loss of customers who feel that the salesperson is only interested in the transaction. In turn, proper post-purchase service builds the client’s loyalty, because customers know that in case of any problems they can count on help from the merchant. So, how should good post-purchase service look like? Monika Mucha presents several strategies in her article ”Post-purchase service: how to build client loyalty”.
Sometimes, however, you just don't make the sale. Perhaps the customer simply wasn't interested in your offer and nothing you could say would convince them to buy. Perhaps you misdiagnosed their needs and could not adequately present them the benefits? It is worth systematically tracking unsuccessful transactions in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. How can you figure out why you failed? I invite you to read an article by Elżbieta Bolimowska entitled ” So you couldn't close the sale - what's next?”.
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