Sell it in English
Temat numeru: Difficult customer? Challenges and solutions
With great joy, we release to you the first issue of our new magazine "Sell it in English". Our mission is to support traders, sales representatives, customer advisors, telemarketers - all those who deal with sales – in improving language skills in the scope of Business English, which will allow you to achieve better and better results.
It is difficult today to find a sales professional who does not speak English, but in contact with foreign contractors it often turns out that the current language knowledge does not allow for free argumentation, and thus limits the possibilities of negotiation. Meanwhile, the plans themselves will not come true... To meet the need to polish your Business English, we have prepared for you the first magazine on the market that will enable you to improve your language skills and learn how to effectively reach decision- -makers, overcome customer objections and effectively finalize sales talks at the same time. We are convinced that thanks to the articles included in our magazine, you will expand your vocabulary in the scope of Business English and you will feel much more comfortable in contact with foreign clients, which will definitely increase your effectiveness.
In each issue of our magazine you will find English-language articles with tools, materials and tips, prepared by the authors-practitioners who have been dealing with sales for years. An integral part of the magazine is Toolbox - ready-to-use tools effective in everyday work - from call scripts through sample product offers to forms – of course also in English. On the other hand, across 6 folded pages of the cover we will put vocabularies explaining more important and more complex phrases, as well as additional substantive content - grammar, exemplary dialogues using newly learned vocabulary, exercises, quizzes and useful phrasal verbs.
Exceptional preparation is the key to success during negotiations with the client regardless of the industry. We hope that reading our magazine will help you prepare in an easy way.
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