Award - winning presentations

The sales presentation can be understood as a tool used by the salesperson during a conversation, and in a broader sense, as a set of steps for conducting a sales conversation. This article will attempt to cover the topic by combining both of these perspectives.

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Preparation is key before any conversation or presentation. You need to gather preliminary information about the client and their expectations and reflect on the purpose of the given presentation (meeting).


The next step is to conduct an interview with the client. At this stage, it’s important to actively listen, ask open questions, paraphrase, clarify, and summarise their speech, revealing their reasons for asking. The more effective the communication, the better the chance you can influence the beliefs or behaviour of your partners by using persuasion at further stages of the sales process.

Keep in mind that both verbal and nonverbal communication is used throughout the sales presentation process. Neuromarketing studies show that 55% of information is transmitted by nonverbal behaviours (body language) while 45% of information is transmitted verbally (7% with words, 38% with tone of voice). That’s why professional salespeople are trying to understand non-verbal communication and learn to use it to increase their chances of success.

The buyer may send non-verbal signals using, among other things, the following five elements: posture, facial expression, movement and position of the arms, movements and positions of the hands, orientation of the legs, and tone of voice. Sellers often mistakenly rely on mimicry as the primary indicator of acceptance. To be sure of properly interpreting mimetic signals, one would have to control all other aspects of body language. A buyer who intensifies eye contact, maintains a relaxed body position, and expresses positive affection is giving clear signals of acceptance, and thus the planned presentation can continue.

Presenting the solution

Presenting the solution is another important step in the sales process. At this stage, it’s important to refer to the information gleaned from the interview. By prioritizing customer needs, you can translate product features into specific benefits for them.

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