Unexpected situations and how to gain a client from them

A lot of products and services are so similar to each other that it is difficult to stand out, purely based on what features you offer. You can compete in terms of prices, but sooner or later, it will lead to a price war, which can be pretty bad for business. That is why it is better to stand out with extraordinary customer service. Keep in mind that people usually buy with their heart not their head.

Dostępny jest przetłumaczony materiał kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do materiału.


While dealing with customer service issues, the most difficult aspect is the unpredictable, unusual situations that no one could have expected. For that kind of a situation you will need an on the spot, tailored answer. Below you can see a few examples, both positive and negative:

Case 1 – lost camera

When my digital camera broke, I took it to a shop to fix it. I didn’t hear back for a few weeks, so after a month I sent an email asking when will my camera be fixed. Imagine how astonished I was when I was told that it got lost in transit. Despite my discontent, I said – " Ok, well, these things happen. Reimburse me for the lost camera and we are even”. I was in for another surprise when the shop answered that they are only able to partly reimburse me for my equipment and if I am not satisfied, I can just sue them. All in all I decided to agree to an offered amount, but I never used the services of that company again and I made sure to spread the word.

If you lose a client’s property, there is no other way but to reimburse them for the loss in the best possible way. If it is a monetary compensation, make sure it is a bona fide evaluation based on the actual value of new equipment, even if it was defective, and add an extra 10% increment to make the client feel cared for. You can also suggest that your business covers the cost of the client getting new equipment. It does not need to be identical to the one lost, but it should be very similar. Obviously, that kind of a commitment is a financial loss for you, but the client-friendly approach is an investment which will pay off in the long run.

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Pełen dostęp do wszystkich treści portalu
to koszt 83 zł miesięcznie
przy jednorazowej płatności za rok

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portalu za 99 zł netto, które odliczymy od ceny
regularnej przy przedłużeniu abonamentu


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