The fastest way to be a memorable salesperson

In sales, being memorable matters! You work much too hard and put in far too many hours to let yourself be easily forgotten. You don’t want to be part of the ho-hum background noise in other peoples’ lives. You’re better than that. You have more to offer than that. And it’s time you made some simple changes to how you present yourself so the impression you make is a lasting one.


You will make more sales if your prospects, customers, and associates remember you when it’s time to buy, to renew, or to make a recommendation/referral to others in their networks. There are many ways to become more memorable in sales. This one is the fastest, surest way.

Create value in every sales interaction

Created value is not the same as added value. Expectations are significantly greater than they used to be, driven by demanding buyers who are looking for something unique, personalized, relevant, and meaningful.

Added value is now expected in the course of regular business. It is no longer a differentiator since every sales organization adds value in some fashion, through buyer incentives, no-cost add-ons, loyalty programs, and giveaways. Added value involves taking something with value and adding it on for the buyer. It’s mostly up to companies to authorize these giveaways and add-ons.

Buyer demand for value creation has come about through a trickle-down effect. Companies began focusing on value creation to meet shareholder demands as competition escalated for many industries in the 1970s and 1980s. Now, 30-40 years later, consumers have followed this same pattern of wanting more, and they want it to come directly from their sellers.

What makes this challenging for sellers is that buyers don’t directly ask for value creation. Most buyers don’t even think in those terms. All they know is they want a little something more, something different from what everybody else is already getting, something that makes them feel special.

Take a look at this table from my book DISCOVER Questions® Get You Connected (page 22) to better understand the differences between value, added value, and created value. Give yourself and your company a quick evaluation – what value do you deliver and which type of value could you increase?

With each one of your buyers, consider the question: “What is value creation going to mean for this unique buyer at this moment in time?”. This is how you’ll begin to create value and deliver it with a meaningful and relevant experience for each buyer.

Created value happens in human-to-human exchanges. It’s not pre-fabricated, manufactured, one-size-fits-all, or plug-and-play. It’s special, unique to the individual buyer. That’s what makes it memorable.

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