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Temat numeru: What game are clients playing?
Sales is a game. A game in which both sides are guilty of foul play - I think that every salesperson will find among their professional experience a lot of examples to confirm this thesis. The catalogue of tricks used by clients seems endless. How do you identify them and not get caught up in the game, and even if this happens - how do you get to a winning position? Marek Waśkiewicz provides some tips in our Featured Article "What game are clients playing?” Imagine yourself coming back from a business meeting that took place on the 10th floor of an office building housing many companies. Getting into the elevator, you notice that the president of a large company, which operates on the first floor, is going to take the same elevator. You have been trying to arrange a meeting with him for a long time, so taking a lift together seems like a dream opportunity to interest the president in your offer - the problem is that you will spend less than 30 seconds together... Of course, the chance that this will actually happen to you is rather small, but your Elevator Pitch, which is something like a 'teaser' of your offer, which will arouse the interest of recipients and allow you to take the next step in the sales process, should be always ready to use. How do you prepare a convincing pitch, why is it so difficult and where do you look for inspiration? You will learn from Michał Lisiecki's article "What does the elevator have to do with sales?”
Can you imagine a sales conversation without asking questions? I’m convinced that your answer is “NO”. But not every question will make the finalization of the transaction easier. To make it happen, every one of them should be well thought and used for a certain purpose. What is the difference between questions used as a form of politeness and those used to request a feedback from your client? How do you keep control over the sales process? Jilly Woodford’s article “Opening up the dialogue” will help you dispel all these doubts.
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