8 qualities of a successful salesperson

What does it mean to be a successful salesperson? Does it mean making a lot of phone calls, spending a lot of time searching for potential customers, or having an enormous number of meetings with clients? Acutally, nothing of the sort.

Dostępny jest przetłumaczony materiał kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do materiału.

An effective salesperson is someone who achieves good sales results, always implements the plan, and gains a multitude of satisfied customers who recommend them to their friends. Thus, sales effectiveness is measured by the results, not the amount of work put into client acquisition. If you sometimes wonder what you can do differently in order to be more productive at work, I’m sure you’ll find the following tips helpful.

First- enthusiasm, persistence, and a positive attitude

A salesperson who has a passion for their work always achieves better results than one who works only because of a sense of duty. Such a salesperson - one with a lot of enthusiasm and a willingness to share their knowledge - also advises and serves their clients well. An optimist is assumed to be naturally oriented towards people, work and the world. Each of their failures translates into a learning experience for the future.

The problems begin when you lack a positive attitude, and have for some time. It’s no wonder that your sales figures suffer in such situations. Customers see your lack of energy and have the impression that you’re just pushing them to make an ordinary sale. If you don’t have passion, you won’t be convincing.


Get yourself a sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle, dividing the sheet into two columns. On one side, write down everything that motivates you in your work, everything that gives you joy. On the other side, write what discourages you, what takes away your energy and negatively affects your mood. Then think about what you can do or change to overcome all the negative aspects of your work. Simply cross off any issues over which you have no influence. Imagine that you packed them into a small box and launched them into space, into a vacuum, somewhere where they don’t matter.

For matters over which you have no influence, write down what aspects of your personality will help you overcome such difficulties, or how you can deal with them. First write it, then do it. But, be sure not to say to yourself, “I’ll do it someday, maybe next week.” If you put it off, that’s just like sweeping it under the carpet. Sooner or later, the issue will come back and be even more unpleasant... You have to act right away. Start now.

After two days, return to your list and see how much you’ve achieved. On a clean sheet of paper, write everything that you like about your work, and list all the advantages of working in this particular company as well as your achievements. Hang the list on the refrigerator or bulletin board, or put it in your desk drawer. Make sure it’s a place you look at several times a day. Every time you look at the fridge or the bulletin board or open the drawer, it will remind you of what makes you good at your job and why you like it. Smile at the list - and at yourself. It will improve your mood, give you strength and energy, and change your attitude.

Second - Proper planning and organization

The ability to plan, accomplish set tasks within a set deadline, and prioritize issues is one of the most important qualities a salesperson should have. After all, a sale isn’t about getting money, but earning money.

The job of a salesperson mainly involves meeting with clients, and that means you have to be punctual. Nobody likes to waste time waiting. Your punctuality testifies to your respect for clients’ time, as well as the proper organization of your day. Customers like responsible and organized people - it means that you take them seriously.


Write down all you have to do on a given day, week, or month, but stop writing everything on post-it notes and sticking them everywhere. Create a new task sheet every day. It’s a good idea to use coloured paper - yellow, red, or blue - to make the sheet stand out from all the other documents in your office.

Every day, check off what you’ve done. Before leaving work, take another sheet of paper and write down what’s left to be done today, or what has to be done in the next few days. Do it right at the end of the day so you’re ready to go the next morning. Go back over the sheet while drinking your morning coffee.

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