Post-meeting critique
In sales we are usually an optimistic, positive bunch. We like to look on the bright side, and if we didn’t then we probably wouldn’t follow up any “cool” leads, make as many calls or try and break new markets. However, we also bounce back well from a “no” and a meeting that didn’t go so well.

But bouncing back often means we sweep the meeting aside to crack on with the next - whereas we can use it to learn and improve. I’ve rarely met a salesperson that evaluates each meeting afterwards and it can be a helpful habit to get into.
It doesn’t need to be a long process, and in speed-networking events or calling campaigns you won’t have time to go into too much detail but glance over the checklist below as you go. Not only will this improve your technique and develop you as a salesperson, it should make each meeting progressively better, giving you improved sales performance.
Take the sporting world as an example. Top athletes and teams record games and watch them back. They are not doing this to be critical, they are watching to learn, to improve. This is a very useful practice. In fact, I would highly recommend you video yourself on a call or record your own voicemail message. Listen back to it and see how you sound. What tone were you aiming for? Does that vary with different types of client, or prospects at different stages of the pipeline? Are you clear? Are you saying your name and company at the start of the call or meeting? And making sure they know your name at the end? Are you actively listening with nods (verbal nods if it’s on the phone) and mirroring their pace, tone, vocabulary? Does your voicemail sound well-rehearsed? Could it sound better, more personal, warmer?
Would you want to return the call or buy from this person?
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