Doing business with disabled clients: good practice

In trade, we meet with different clients, including people with disabilities. So, it is worth finding out how to avoid awkward situations when contacting a customer with a disability.

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If you have contact with a variety of clients and your work relies on effective communication or you sell specialised products for people with disabilities, this article is for you. I will demonstrate the difficulties that you may encounter when contacting a client with a disability and advise how to deal with them, so that you feel at ease and the client is satisfied.

Here are the most important rules worth following in contact with a disabled customer:

  • Avoid stereotyped phrases, such as: blind, deaf, crippled, handicapped, in a wheelchair, physically challenged. Replace them with the following expressions: visually impaired, partially sighted, hearing-impaired, a person with physical disability or generally a person with disabilities, a person with movement limitations.
  • When you meet a client with a disability, be yourself. Do not look at her or him through the prism of disability. Every human being has certain limitations and is somehow disabled, but in some people it is more visible at first glance.
  • Avoid overzealousness, showing excessive sympathy and helping more than you need to. It is the customer who knows best what he needs in terms of his disability and knows the scope of his capabilities. The best thing you can do in such a situation, is to ask whether you can help. If the client says that he needs help, ask how, but do not be too pushy.
  • Always address the customer directly, not the person who appears to be their guide. In fact, there can be no guardian, only an accompanying person or a support worker. If a sign language interpreter participates in a conversation, also ask the client, who is the person interested in the service or product.
  • Do not be afraid to use such words as see, hear, walk.
  • Do not make any assumptions, be tactful and polite. Some disabilities are not visible at first glance. Be aware that sometimes a question or request may seem bizarre to us. In fact, it may just be due to a limitation or disability that you’re not aware of.

Limitations imposed by certain disabilities

Clients with a hearing impairment

It is particularly important to speak slowly, clearly, directly to the client, do not cover the mouth with your hand, a sheet of paper or a computer monitor. However, do not overdo it by excessively articulating words. It will be easier to understand you and read from your lips when you are talking slowly and clearly, but naturally. When the client does not understand what you are saying, avoid repeating it several times. Try to explain it using other words. Also avoid using jargon and slang language. If the client has difficulty with speaking or understanding you, it can be helpful to use a pen and a piece of paper. When you want to say something to a person with a hearing impairment and they are not looking in your direction, you can try to get their attention by subtlety waving your hand or gently touching her arm. Try to provide a quiet place to talk with a client with hearing difficulties.Be sure to look at the customer, not the sign interpreter.

Clients with a motor disability

Make sure to sit at the eye level of the customer and put the presented products within his reach. Provide enough space for the wheelchair. Be mindful if there is any need to help move something: chairs, documents, a cup of water, but do not impose yourself.

If you offer the customer a cup of water, do not pour it to the top. A person with a hand motor disability may have difficulty holding it. Avoid touching and adjusting the wheelchair and crutches. If you move together, for example viewing a property the client is interested in buying, pay attention to moving and adjust to the client’s pace. If needed - stop and wait a moment.

When clients with reduced hand abilities need to sign documents, help with turning pages may be needed. When you hand something over, like a file, folder or your product, do it slowly. Make sure the customer has grasped the item by checking with a gentle pull.

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