Decide on time, time to decide

Have you ever had a situation when you were sure that the client would buy a product/service from you, and then in the end they decided to go with the competition, or not to buy at all? How did you react in that situation? Sad, angry, insulted? Or maybe you tried to find out the reasons for this decision so you can react better in the future?


A decision-making strategy is a process of planning and decision-making by the client with which they seek to achieve their goal, for example, to obtain or avoid something, to improve or change the current situation, etc.

There are three ways to build a client’s purchase strategy. The first - the client needs to make a purchase decision, but without a specific date when the decision will be made. The second - the salesperson comes to the client with their offer. Third - the situation is time-sensitive, urgent, critical, meaning the client needs the product or service immediately. Situation in which time - hours and even minutes - counts.

In the first two situations, each client chooses an individual purchase strategy. Urgent situations, however, are governed by their own laws and in such cases the decision-making strategy is similar for each client.

When is the moment?

The client starts building their shopping strategy properly after you first contact them. In the case of a phone call - from your first words. During the first meeting - from the greeting itself. However, in online sales - from the first email, the first contact at the company website. And you have to remember that. These first moments have a huge impact on the sales process. During the process, the strategy evolves. However, at the beginning, these perhaps insignificant words, gestures, faces can affect the decision to buy and collaborate with you.

What affects the client purchase process?

There are as many factors that can influence the purchasing decision, as there are people in the world. It is worth paying attention to three basic ones:

  • you - your appearance, behavior, facial expressions, the words you use, your punctuality, keeping your word, whether you are specific, whether you are sympathetic, whether you are reliable, whether you are confident, honest and truthful,
  • the product/service you offer - its quality, availability, usability,
  • other client needs - time, distance, price, punctuality, service, guarantees, recommendations, brand.

The client decides to buy a product or service based on what’s important to them at any given moment.

Time - an important factor in the client decision process

Time, especially in urgent situations, is one of the basic factors affecting the client’s decision-making process. At various times, the same client may make a completely different decision regarding the purchase of a particular product, depending on their situation.


Selling courier services. You’ve already talked to the client many times. You didn’t prepare well for the first meeting; you didn’t have time to read about the client’s company, you sent the offer a few days late. The price of the service you offer is rather high compared to the competition. The client has never used your company’s services.

Time has a huge impact on clients’ purchasing decisions:

  • time of delivery, punctuality of order fulfilment
  • your reaction time
  • your travel time to the client, their travel time to you
  • the time the client has to be engaged in the topic, if you’re able to take care of all or most issues related to a given order.

Situation 1. You make the sale

The client needs to deliver goods to a city located 100 km away within three hours. He has phone numbers for several courier companies, but only your company can deliver the goods on time. In this situation, even if you dictate a price 80% higher than the competition, the client will use your services. Why? Because he has an urgent need and there’s no time to look for another company. Even if they’re not sure the service will be performed well and on time, they have to take the chance. Time is working in your favour.

Table 1. Three ways to build a client’s purchase strategy

The client is interested in buying at an undetermined time

The salesperson presents the client with his offer

The client has a sudden, urgent need

The client is looking, asking for something

The salesperson initiates contact

The client is looking, asking for something

The client verifies the credibility of the company

The client verifies the credibility of the company/looks for other options

The client doesn’t have time to verify the credibility of the company

The client initiates contact


The client initiates contact

Source: The author’s own analysis

Wykorzystałeś swój limit bezpłatnych treści

Pozostałe 53% artykułu dostępne jest dla zalogowanych użytkowników portalu. Zaloguj się, wybierz plan abonamentowy albo kup dostęp do artykułu/dokumentu.

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to koszt 83 zł miesięcznie
przy jednorazowej płatności za rok


Dwutygodniowy dostęp do wszystkich treści
portalu za 99 zł netto, które odliczymy od ceny
regularnej przy przedłużeniu abonamentu


Pełen dostęp do wszystkich treści portalu
to koszt 83 zł miesięcznie
przy jednorazowej płatności za rok

Dwutygodniowy dostęp do wszystkich treści
portalu za 99 zł netto, które odliczymy od ceny
regularnej przy przedłużeniu abonamentu


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