Marketing for salespeople: E-mail marketing in practice

Sales and marketing are professions that require constant cooperation and mutual support. This joint effort is directed at acquiring clients and earning revenue for the company. In principle, roles and responsibilities are clearly divided, but in practice that’s often not the case. That’s why every salesperson (you too!) should know marketing techniques - especially email marketing, which is useful to keep in touch with clients. If you don’t know how to use email marketing in sales, change that and learn how to boost your sales results.

Cold email - this is a message directed to a potential client with whom you haven’t had direct contact. At the beginning, this kind of message isn’t sales communication. It’s just the beginning, that is, building a relationship that aims to sell. Cold emailing is often confused with spamming, and to avoid this you should remember to:

  • send emails only to addresses obtained in the right way (e.g. to people you met at an event, at a conference, or on social media, or to contract addresses listed on company websites),
  • not send a sales offer in the first email,
  • ask for a response in order to receive more information - only then will you be able to continue the conversation and send your offer.

How do you write a cold email?

First of all, remember that you’re writing to someone, so use a personal form. Then, make sure the message is concise and short. Nobody likes to read long emails, especially from people who are sending us something for the first time. However, these are just the basics you should remember when writing any email. Cold emailing is also characterised by a certain structure that you should maintain. To create a good cold email:

  • specify the subject,
  • say hello and introduce yourself,
  • write something about the recipient or the company they work for,
  • indicate the reason for your message (don’t just send a sales offer!),
  • include a CTA (call to action), i.e. information on what the recipient should do after reading the message,
  • attach a formal contact footer.

However, the structure isn’t everything. Remember that you only have one chance, so you can take advantage of it or not! Therefore, in addition to the correct structure, you have to consider the content of the email.

Language and form of address

Many people wonder what language they should use when communicating with clients. The answer is not easy because there is no universal blueprint for business emails. It all depends on the nature of the company and on the situation. If you work at a start-up, it doesn’t make sense to write ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Yours faithfully,” but if you’re emailing the president of a bank, don’t address them too informally. You already have enough years of experience in sales that I have no doubt that you can handle this topic.


In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the General Data Protection Regulation OJ EU L 119) it’s forbidden to send unsolicited commercial information to people who haven’t agreed to it. That would be spamming and would be punishable by a fine.

Be credible!

Before anyone reads your message, they first have to click and open it. That’s why you should pay attention to whether you inspire trust and whether your email subject is specific and intriguing. Make sure that what the recipient sees first is convincing and important. To do this, send emails from a personal address. If you send messages from an address like, it’s immediately obvious that it’s a mass mailing. In addition, use your name and your company’s name. Messages sent from Justyna Trzupek from will be much more effective than messages from

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