Speak for success. How to speak about your product and sell it

A product or a service – it does not matter what you sell, as long as you are able to show your prospect that the product or a service you offer will make the whole world of difference in their lives. And regardless of the sales technique you use, one thing is critical to your sales – the language that you use. Since you may only have one opportunity to talk to a customer before their purchase, it is imperative that you communicate effectively. What, then, are the critical components of successful sales in this respect?


Exude enthusiasm and a positive attitude

You may have the best product or service on offer, but if you fail to be enthusiastic about it you will not be very successful. How will you manage to convince anyone that your product is good if you do not believe it yourself? Enthusiasm and energy attract and if you can get the prospect to feel the same way about your product as you do, they are more likely to buy it.

You may express your passion and enthusiasm, for instance, by the intensity of your voice, your body language, and your facial expressions. And how to create these on demand? Before meeting your prospect, build vivid, meaningful, and exciting goals. Make sure you know exactly what you want to achieve during the meeting and then strive for it. Nobody has ever said that if you normally sell about fifty pairs of glasses in one sales meeting, you will not sell eighty pairs next time. Just make sure your goals are clear to you and be brave enough to voice them. Line up the resources, thoughts, ideas, know-how, and confidence, speak clearly and anticipate successful results.

Know the product well

Selling without product knowledge is like running a marathon on one leg. You may have all the necessary qualities, you may be likeable as a person and may have top persuasion skills, but if you don’t understand what you’re selling, you are going to lose a lot of sales. First of all, you will have difficulty qualifying the prospects as you will not know exactly which group it is for. Secondly, you will know nothing about the product or service benefits and consequently you will not know how to suit them to customers’ needs. And, if the customer happens to ask a single technical question that you don’t know the answer to, you miss your chance to present yourself as an expert and thus lose your customer’s trust.

Thus, it is essential that you communicate the information about the product well. Basic details about the product, such as prices, available models or styles and warranty information will do, yet you are more likely to improve your sales if you also include in your conversations details about how to use the product, other tips, warnings, considerations that may not have occurred to the customer.

Know your customer

Knowing a product or service is one thing, and knowing your customer is another. Researching potential prospects before your first contact can make a world of difference between a deal or a bust. By understanding the background of a company and the person you are going to speak to, you can better frame a conversation and create a more tailored experience from first touch. Learning about the company’s mission and vision will help you show your prospect how your products or services can help it achieve its vision and choose more appropriate words to paint a more meaningful picture for your prospect.

Identifying the potential customer’s pain point can work in the same way – you will be able to show how your product or service offerings can address their problems. The knowledge can then help you prioritize the prospects based on the likeliness of converting them into customers, as well as save you time and energy by reaching out to the right prospect, with the right message and at the right time.

Make a great first impression with prospects

People tend to be suspicious of anyone trying to sell them something, which means that establishing trust quickly is of utmost importance. Here, making a good first impression with prospects comes into play, especially in face-to-face meetings. Research shows it is formed within the first 30 seconds of meeting a person and, if positive, it helps to connect with their prospects right from the start.

The first impression is both about people’s verbal and non-verbal behavior. What a person does and how they act speak volumes, which is why it is important to speak with a prospect in a way that projects an air of confidence. Eye contact, along with a firm handshake and a friendly, confident smile, can also go a long way towards establishing trust, and so can the clothes we wear. Salespeople should be neat and well-groomed, as it projects a good image of the company they are presenting.

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